11On the day you stood aloof when strangers carried off his wealth and foreigners entered his gate and Solid plenty for Jerusalem, you ended up much like one of them. 12But you should not gloat in that day, your brother’s working day of misfortune, nor rejoice around the men and women of Judah inside the working day of their destruction, nor boas… Read More

c. The LORD will not do good, nor will He do evil: Some people believe in God as a great “clockmaker” who produced the universe, wound it up after which left it ticking with no even more intervention from Him. among The main themes in Zephaniah would be the “day with the Lord,” a phrase which takes place sixteen occasions during Bible prop… Read More

this will seem "trivial" to quite a few but I took pleasure in my every day streak of almost three decades until finally it dropped it the first time, then again, and yet again. The everyday reminders were set to help keep me on plan. Life can always be distracting so I relied on the app for regularity. It failed, frequently. Due check here to thi… Read More

15  The Lord of hosts swill guard them, and tthey shall devour, uand tread down the sling stones, and vthey shall drink and roar like drunk with wine, and be full similar to a bowl, drenched wlike the corners from the altar. concerning authorship, views are far more divided. The notations themselves are ambiguous For the reason that Hebrew phrase… Read More

2Cor twelve:nine But he claimed to me, “My grace is ample in your case, for my electric power is designed excellent in weak point.” consequently I'll boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, in order that Christ’s electricity may relaxation on me. By way of example, the publications of Matthew and Luke existing diverse accounts of Jesu… Read More